Trend Log monitoring is a suggested practice to help you and your service provider detect early changes in engine behavior, whether Piston or Turbine engines.
The main page displays a summary of each entry. Tap a row to edit or view more information.
Record these values inflight about 5 minutes after leveling in cruise. Consult your POH or Service Advisor for further information.
If you already have a spreadsheet of engine values, you can import the data. See TBD for instructions on formatting the spreadsheet.
You can display data over time as a graph or export in spreadsheet format for you to perform your own analysis.
Please note that aeroLogbook performs no analysis nor makes any recommendations based on the data.
To add a trend log, tap + on the main screen which will present the entry form.
If Turboprop values are not displayed, go back to your Airplane detail and make sure the "Include Turboprop fields" switch is selected.
To add a trend log, tap + on the main screen which will present the entry form.
If Piston values are not displayed, go back to your Airplane detail and make sure the "Include Turboprop fields" switch is not selected.
The form allows for 2 TIT values and up to 6 cylinders of CHT and EGT. You may choose to enter all values or only the highest.
If you have more than a few items, you may create a spreadsheet and import them as a batch. The spreadsheet can contain ... TBD
Click TBD to download a sample spreadsheet.
Populate the spreadsheet and Export it in CSV format to your iCloud Drive. The app will allow you to browse the files on your Drive. Select the file and import.
Tap the Report icon on the main table view to create either a Spreadsheet containing all values or a Graph organized by select engine parameters.
Tap anywhere on the graph line to see the date and the value. Tap Show Flight to go directly to the Trend Log. The filter icon in the top bar allows you to choose a specific date range.
The Share icon in the top bar allows you to save the graph to your Photos album, or perform other actions such as Print, Mail, or Message. If you save to Photos, a system prompt will ask you for permission to access your photo library.